Let’s work together to create
more nurturing environments

for ourselves and our children

It Takes a village
As an early childhood educator....

I realized that all of the tools and practices I used in my teaching shouldn’t be restricted to the classroom.  

If it takes a village to raise a child, the village should have the tools to raise a child that is healthy: developmentally, emotionally and physically. 

Many times, creating nurturing spaces for children requires self-reflection from the adult to look inward and find what they wished they would have been given as a child.



Provide tools and resources for communities to support in the  guiding and nurturing of children as they grow, and the inner child we all are trying to heal and nurture. 

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Join the Email Series

7 Tips to Better Your Relationship with Yourself + Children

This email series will help you reflect on how your inner child may be showing up in your relationships with children. 


You will learn:

– How you may have internalized the adult behaviors you saw modeled to you as a child

– How to take a step back in a challenging moment to ground yourself before responding to a child 

– Better ways to show up for children 

– How to be intentional about your relationships with children and your inner child

Watch the workshop

Building Trust with Children

Trust built in our early relationships is the base of secure attachments,
self-esteem, self awareness and the ability to trust yourself. 


– How Trust built in our relationships  as children

– How to build trust within our relationships with children

– How our own lives experience teach and guide us



I'm Tashi

In my many years as a nanny and educator, I have helped so many people create more nurturing environments for their children and the children around them. I have worked with adults and kids of all backgrounds, income statuses, and identities. Let’s give our children the world they deserve to live in.